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We have the largest in-stock offering in the country and only offer these items for purchase that we know we can get to you quickly. These items will have the shortest times to get ready to ship to you (an estimate will be shown on the product page).
We have extensive inventory connections with our brands and suppliers; these are items that we know we can secure. An order will trigger a re-order from our supplier immediately. These items will have a few more days than In Stock times to get ready to ship to you (an estimate will be shown on the product page).
We have the largest catalog offering in the country. Although we don't have stock of this, you can still make a purchase now and we'll order it from our supplier immediately. The time to get these items to you will vary (from days to months, an estimate will not be shown on the product pages) depending on manufacturing capability and backlog. If you are concerned about how long this may take to get to you, please reach out to our customer support team so we can provide you an estimate.
These items are only available at our Richmond Hill retail store location; these items cannot be purchased on the website (the add to cart button is not on the product page). Typical reasons may include: not able to sell online, not appropriate to ship without special considerations, or may not be in ideal condition to purchase sight unseen. If you are interested in purchasing these items, please reach out to our customer support team so we can provide you more detail.
Issuance and use of this card constitutes acceptance of the following terms which may be revised at any time. Card balance may be redeemed for merchandise or services (such as pro rentals, repairs, lessons) in-store at Cosmo Music. Not redeemable for online purchases or band & orchestra rentals. Not redeemable for payment towards pre-arranged financing. Not redeemable for cash or credit in whole or part (change will not be issued for any unused balance). Cards are final sale and cannot be returned for refund. The value of this card will not be replaced if lost, stolen, or used without permission. Protect this card like cash.