Teenagers and adults make rewarding, but challenging, beginning students. The Bastien’s Older Beginner Piano Course was written specifically for the requirements and desires of students with many demands on their time. This comprehensive method assumes no prior knowledge, and incorporates theory and technique exercises into a fun-filled course of study. Clear, precise graphics illustrate new concepts and large notes make reading easier. It's plain to see why The Older Beginner Piano Course is the method of choice for many recreational piano students and beginning piano classes at numerous colleges! The harmonic chord approach used in The Older Beginner Piano Course is ideal for students who want the feel of "making real music" from the start. Peppered with pleasing piano arrangements of popular folk and classical melodies, the course also includes attractive and accessible pop and blues pieces to add spice with a modern flair. This appealing course of study for beginners age 12 and up is designed functionally, allowing students to play and harmonize melodies from the beginning. A time-tested chord approach method that really works!