Richards Double Reeds Oboe Reed, Medium, Richards Item#: RDR-1003.
Richards Double Reeds have been made by Richard Rath for over thirty years. He began making reeds while studying with Dr. William T. Gower (Gower Reeds) and subsequently began making the Richards Reed.
• Handmade - Each reed is hand made and are made to a specific length and tested for pitch to A -440
• American Scrape - Each reed uses the long (American) scrape to provide a dark, stable, and centered tone
• Responsive - Richards Reeds are made to have a more even response throughout the full range of the instrument
• New Shape - Their reeds use a shape that holds the upper register up, and allows the player to get a darker, more centered tone without biting
• Specialties - Oboe reeds are available with wire. This is preferred by many, for beginners. Wire allows the student (or teacher) to vary the tip opening, responding to temperature, season, and humidity
• Finest materials - Only select tube cane is used in Richards Reeds