Ultimate Music Theory Advanced Rudiments Workbook, 9"x12" Coil Bound, Includes 80 Flashcards, Ultimate Music Theory Item GP-UAR.
• Pitch - Musical Notation, Alto Clef and Tenor Clef
• Scales - Major, minor, Modes, Enharmonic and 20th Century
• Chords - Major, minor, Aug, dim, Dominant 7th and diminished 7th
• Rhythm - Simple Time, Compound Time and Hybrid Time
• Intervals - Simple, Compound and Inversions
• Circle of Fifths - Key Signatures (up to 7 sharps and 7 flats)
• Transposing - Major keys, minor keys, Concert Pitch and Scores
• Cadences - Writing and Identifying Perfect, Plagal and Imperfect
• Analysis - Musical Terms, Symbols and Signs